Friday, 27 December 2013

A Look at Birthday Presents Chapter 10

It's going to be a while until I post this on fictionpress, but I wrote this today:

Sasha loved the feeling of moving meditation; it was as if her attention existed in the eye of a storm, while the elements blazed around her.  Beyond herself, she sensed Mortimer’s body. The energy within him was patient and fluid, but uncompromising, like the rise and fall of the tides that carved away the sand.  When she moved, it was not to lance out with her physical body, but to facilitate the energy within her in a battle of the elements. 

And yet, each fighter’s essence was intricately tied in with the way the element was expressed.  When she channelled Water, it came to her like a fast flowing rapid under the summer sun.  In Mortimer, it was the suffocating shock of a tropic downpour, or the freezing rainy patches in a fog.  The exchange was more than blows; it was a tale of the experiences inside each fighter.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Sexual Innuendo

So I was looking up sexual innuendo for... er... writing purposes.

Could Liam = Emron?

I can't get Birthday Present out of my head, so I suppose this is the project I'm stuck with at Christmas.  Poor Vert Glace.

Hang on, why am I talking about my stories as though they're entities in their own right?

For the last 2000 words, I've been setting up the two male leads to have a big clash upon meeting, but now that I'm up to that part... I can't seem to make it work.  They just won't be nasty to each other.  MY CHARACTERS ARE REBELLING.  

This is the beginning of the end.  

To top things off, I'm pretty sure I have gastro.  I'm pressed to find strength enough to do a poo let alone get my characters back in line.  It's odd how they work.  I mean, they're suppose to be 100% my creation, and yet, they sometimes don't do what they're told.  How the hell does that happen?  And how am I suppose to create cliche romance drama?  

I went hunting on google for a picture of two blokes fighting, which is what is suppose to be happening.  Instead, I found this gem:

If I ever get to cast Emron, Liam Hemsworth would be it.  Thanks for your sage dating tips, Liam.  This picture captures Emron's main character concept.

Who am I kidding?  If I get to cast anything, I'd throw all my weight in on trying to get Jessica Alba to do something.  Anything.  Doesn't matter.  

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

I know what kind of story I want to write

So December contest is over, and to my surprise, I won!  I was sure that T Rasa was going to get in this time because his was chilling to the bone, but I'm not complaining.  I'm really happy that people actually read my stuff and like it.  To me, that's always a pleasant surprise. I think the small group of writers on Labyrinth do really well with putting up with me.

I was watching the Fifth Element today. It's one of my favourite movies of all time.  I really admire the characters, the pace, the cinematography and the spoken script.  If movies were books, that would be the kind of book I want to write.  Amazing.  It was created in the 90's and it still stands up to scrutiny today.  Also, you don't get much hotter than Mila.  ;)  That girl sure can emote.

Friday, 20 December 2013

iTunes is sentient

Chapter 5 of Birthday Presents is edited and up.  Thank you as always to my nameless beta reader.  It's a thankless job.  

I pressed the shuffle button on iTunes, and it started up Jizz in my Pants by The Lonely Island.  Why does it always know exactly what I want to listen to?  

Not sure if you like Matthew Reilly?

Well, now you can sample his work for free!

He did something similar a while back with a book called Hover Car Racer which he released for free in installments.  He also wrote a book that was a free giveaway, called Hells Island, available with a newspaper.  Generosity pays off, I suppose.

Roger Ascham and the King's Lost Girl is a prequel to his new book, The Tournament.  On facebook, he announced that he would be releasing it for free today, and he certainly is a man of his word.  I haven't read it yet, but I know what I will be doing for the next few days.  ;)

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Powering Ahead

Now that the contest for the month is over in the sense that there's no more work I can do, I'm powering ahead with work on more chapters for Birthday Presents.  I'm about two chapters ahead of what I have posted.

I do need to work on Vert Glace, but I need to have time to write solidly, which I hope I will have time to do over the Christmas period. I'm adding another layer to the first part of the story, and then re working some of the second part.

Working on Birthday Presents in the mean time keeps my head in the game, and helps with the world building.  In many ways, it's a lot more challenging than Vert Glace to write, because it's my first foray into the romance genre.  I've been browsing the romance section and book stores lately, and I'm not sure if I like reading about all the hot and heavy.  This being my first trip to romance land, I'm not sure what kind of romance I will write.  I'll keep my options open, but I'm pretty sure this story won't involve penetrative sex.  ;)

The mind of a Wolf

I don't know how I feel about T.Rasa.  I really don't.  I would not be surprised if that author turned out to be a sentient animal, I really wouldn't.   It does happen from time to time, that an animal gains human like sentience, and learns to use a computer.  I've found evidence of it on google images.  I shall post my findings below.

His entry for the December Contest is pretty flipping cool.  Again, it's from an animal POV, which is starting to become a signature of his.  

Anyway, to what we've all be waiting for... sentient animal pictures:

just because he's not wearing pants and smoking a pipe doesn't  mean this little creature can't see straight into your soul.  

Is this a dalmatian or a great dane? Because let's put it this way; when such a large dog humps you, it's not just humping your leg.  Now, on a bicycle, it can get at you faster.

... if that mouse has gone to that much effort, he deserved that damn block of cheese. 

First, reading.  Then, the world. 

For days when the soccer mum had a little too much champagne with her friends over lunch.  

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

December Continues

Fyloefox has posted up the entries so far for the December Contest.  So far, I'm really liking Tante Liz's take on Rumpelstiltskin.  It's a cross between The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and The Man in the Iron Mask - twins of heritage, gypsies, gentlemen, tomfoolery... what more could you ask for?

So far, everyone's gone to paint the villain in a kinder light.  There must be something in the zeitgeist of us few writers about bad guys being misunderstood/having tragic events leading up to their evilfication.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Forget about Christmas! There's more important things to do in December....

December writing contest, ahoy!

So I've posted my entry, Woodsman, for the December writing contest.  I spent half an hour messing around with the graphic for the story.  Again, I've gone for a pattern to make it match the other entries

I just re-read it again after posting and found a bunch of mistakes.  I've fixed them up, but I'm sure to read it tomorrow and cringe at the silly mistakes.  My internal editing system has always been non-existent.

Pretty keen to read other people's entries. *rubs hands together*

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Whose Crazy Idea?

Why, oh, why am I up at this time in the morning?  

Yesterday the genius in me made a writing schedule.  It included a stint in the morning from 6:30am - 7:15am before work.

I don't know how long it will last.  I didn't even know my body could wake up this early.  The last few days have been chain slapping snooze.

But for now, I'm here tap, tap, tapping away at Vert Glace.