Thursday, 19 December 2013

Powering Ahead

Now that the contest for the month is over in the sense that there's no more work I can do, I'm powering ahead with work on more chapters for Birthday Presents.  I'm about two chapters ahead of what I have posted.

I do need to work on Vert Glace, but I need to have time to write solidly, which I hope I will have time to do over the Christmas period. I'm adding another layer to the first part of the story, and then re working some of the second part.

Working on Birthday Presents in the mean time keeps my head in the game, and helps with the world building.  In many ways, it's a lot more challenging than Vert Glace to write, because it's my first foray into the romance genre.  I've been browsing the romance section and book stores lately, and I'm not sure if I like reading about all the hot and heavy.  This being my first trip to romance land, I'm not sure what kind of romance I will write.  I'll keep my options open, but I'm pretty sure this story won't involve penetrative sex.  ;)

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