Monday, 27 January 2014

Thank you, Australia Day

Why do long weekends always seem so short?  Here I sit, on the evening leg of a public holiday, wishing I had more time, even though I was quite productive with the time that I had.  

I'm coming to grips with the idea that writing is never done.  I don't run out things I need to do!  I have ideas I need to get down on paper!  I need to edit things that I've written!  I need to continue writing things I've started!  Three days is not enough. A life time is not enough.

I've made good progress (good progress for me anyway.  I've started giving myself pats on the back for any sort of progress because my butt's too sore from being kicked) on Vert Glace.  There was this part that I had to re-write around the Chapter 7 area that I've been stuck on.  This weekend, I managed to push through the last part I *had* to write for it to join back to the rest of the story.  It's not my best work, but at least it's down and I can edit it later.  The idea of having to do another whole story edit freaks me out.  I'm not even halfway through the second edit, for heaven's sake!  I don't know if I've ever put so much effort into a story.

I also revisited Vert Glace's sequel, which I almost finished at 125k (I remember writing over 100 000 words  in under 2 months while waiting for people to get back to me about their Vert Glace thoughts... scary), but couldn't find the will to close.  I made some progress on it this weekend, and I hope that I will be able to manage with a fresh eye after a 3 month break from it.  It would be great to finish either editing Vert Glace or writing Lordchaser by the end of February.

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