B-dog has actually read the whole of Vert Glace now. He has given me some pretty good critique about the story that I will incorporate into the heavy editing I intend to do. He pulls no punches, which is painful in a good sort of way - kinda like waking up the next day after a really good work out. Thanks, oh surly, grumpy, cackling, golden hearted housemate of mine.
I'm starting to edit, but I'm talking my time still because I want to make sure each chapter is as best as it can be. Therefore, when I'm not 100% focused, I just do other writing. Writing about Sasha Suter really helps me flesh out the world. I find that I'm incorporating elements of that again into Vert Glace and Lordchaser. Also, going back to the beginning after what must be now 200k words + notes in the same world makes the world building I can do so much better. The process is invaluable to me. this time around is the farthest I've gone in terms of writing and editing. And I don't feel sick of the story at all yet! That has to be a sign. I've never felt more like an amateur.
I've been compulsively checking one person's fictionpress page because they mentioned something about possibly posting a new story this week. Nothing yet, but I'm hopeful.
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